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Getting It 100

A shower. Yes, I 100% need a shower. A shower, a decent meal, about twelve hours of sleep, and a maximum dose of ibuprofen for the cramped up nubs my hands will be tomorrow. I'm not sure what got in to me, but I pulled off my first monster gaming day. Quite literally twenty-four hours of playing Red Dead Redemption 2 Online. I told myself it was just to get to rank 100. At rank 92 I was just so f@#king close what's a little sleep lost to make that last push from 97 and change to the big triple digits?

Truth is I did put the controller down for about an hour, but every time I closed my eyes every worry I got assailed me. It was just one of those nights. All the $h*t I can't control had my brain chasing its medulla oblongata so back out to my gaming chair I went. My butt print still indented the cushion and the leather had dropped only a couple degrees from 98.6. My a$$ warm and snug in its next, I picked up the controller and for the rest of the night, morning and afternoon I played under the glorious illusion that what I want and the actions I take have a direct correlation on the results I obtained.

Real life isn't like that. Aside from the ubitquitous money troubles, family drama, and general unkind behavior of the world in general, there's the undeniable fact that any control you think you have, is fiction. 

You can do everything right and still wind up with nothing to show. You can love someone the best way you know how and they can betray you as if you were their worst enemy. You can exercise, eat right and deny yourself far more often than you give in to the temptation of a bacon double cheeseburger with a large chocolate shake and still drop dead of a heart attack three and a half years earlier than the average life expectancy. If those examples sound specific, that's because they are. Just a couple of the delightful specters that haunted me right out of bed last night.

So for twenty-four plus hours, I indulged my every whim, spent RDO$ on frivolous virtual items, retaliated violently when violence was done to my character, and reveled in what some would call massive time suck. And I hit my goal. I reached rank 100 and even then I spent another hour puttering around my camp just to prep myself to re-enter the $h*t show that is reality.

I did finally get that shower, I scarfed down a microwave meal and washed down some Advil with a large glass of water. I'm trying to put off that twelve hours of sleep until 9pm so I don't wake up before the buttcrack of dawn which means I will most definitely be proofing this in the morning before posting.


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