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Gamer's Paradise

If RDR2 Online and Warframe are the methadone that maintains my gaming addiction, then story games are the black tar I crave. And I hit the jackpot yesterday. My sweet BF bought me not one, but two-- that's right two-- story games on which to binge until I can't see straight.

Judgment and Greedfall are both part of Sony's Summer Sale and are now part of my library. It's this feeling of relief that's hard to describe. I've been getting my daily fix with online games, staying even, feeling normal, but they don't give me that gamer high. That sweet mixture of adrenaline and dopamine I chase and chase and becomes harder to attain the more my skills improve.

But last night I hit the sweet spot. The blood shot up the syringe bore and a tiger style boss battle pushed those beautiful chemicals into my veins with Yagami victorious and left me sated, if only for a little while. That's the problem with any addiction. The satisfaction is temporary and then the addict is left to scrounge and scrape, endlessly searching for that Xanadu, that Valhalla, that ever elusive Nirvana.

Thanks to the BF understanding my plight, I'll be set for a while, not forever, but since none of us is promised tomorrow, a while seems more than adequate shelter from a world that grows more foreign and unappealing by the day.


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