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That F@*king Cougar

No, I'm not referring to myself or other woman of a certain age who enjoy the company of younger (MUCH younger) men. No shame in my game when it comes to hunting and stalking twenty-something human males...and I have a lovely twenty-five years old BF to prove it. However, that f@#king Sapa Cougar in the Red Dead Redemption 2 Online Naturalist update has shamed me left and right.

I'll admit it, I was feeling pretty cocky. While I will be the first to tell you I am not super-skilled as a gamer, when I sedated three regular wolves and then free-aim sedated the Moonstone wolf, all without my horse bucking me off, I felt as though maybe...just skills have improved a little. Don't worry, the Sapa Cougar put me right back in my place.

The first time I tried this mission I planned to sedate it just as I had all the other legendary animals in the missions accessed through Harriet. My thinking was that I'd take the samples on the first playthrough for each and then kill and skin them on a second playthrough. Despite the fact that I surprisingly hit the damn cougar with four or five sedative rounds, it still ran up and ripped my face off. About the sixth time it mauled me to death, the game gave me thirty seconds to finish the mission which I of course failed. Irritated with myself, I switched to the Legendary Icahi Boar and forgot about the cougar for the night.

Today I've had a pretty decent gaming day and I felt ready to take on the cougar again. But this time would be different, none of that tree hugging $h*t this time. Today that cougar would be slaughtered skinned so Gus could turn it into some god-awful piece of clothing. Needless to say, that f@#king cougar tore me a new one yet again.

How do you kill that evil beast?! I shot it three times with my Springfield rifle which didn't slow it down at all. It ate my face. Once I respawned, I switched to my sawed-off shotgun with which I shot the bastard twice. Granted it was from a bit of a distance, but still! Why won't that f@#king cougar die???

I bought the elephant rifle earlier today just because I wanted it. Perhaps that gun will take it out. Or maybe I'll just go for the explosive ammo and see how kitty likes that. At this point I don't even care if the pelt is too wrecked to make a garment set, I just want that stupid cat dead.


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