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An Eye for an Eye


Hold on! Wait a Minute, Naughty Dog! I did not see the current twist in The Last of Us Part 2. I spent the last day and a half gleefully murdering the WLFs, especially Abby's band of miscreants who helped torture and murder Joel. Now, playing as Abby I find out she's not all that bad. In fact she does something really noble. Plus her violent revenge against Joel isn't different at all than what Ellie is doing. The devs found a way to illustrate beautifully the saying: An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind. Again the storytelling of this title is impressive on scale few games ever achieve.

But just as a side note: What the f@#king f@#kity f@#k was up with the giant infected boss in the hospital basement?! I won't lie, it took me an hour to take that thing down. It looked like three Bloaters and three Shamblers decided to have group sex and they got stuck like dogs do and there was no one to turn a hose on them. If it wasn't the damn monstrosity itself breaking me in half, then it was the acid bombs it belched up or the creepy f@#king Stalker on steroids it gave birth to killing me every time I turned around. I killed way more Abbys today than I did Ellies yesterday, but oh well. At least I finally defeated the freaking thing.

What will the rest of tonight's gameplay or tomorrow's bring? I can only imagine. I do know this: it'll be unexpected, horrifying and no doubt amazing.


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