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Minecraft and Crying

It's one of those days. No sooner had I opened my eyes this morning when the hamster in my brain was running wild on her little wheel. Spinning and spinning and spinning, but getting nowhere. So then I cried. Man, I don't feel like doing this in-my-feelings crap today but it seems my mind and my hormones have other plans.

Playing something as tedious as Watch Dogs 2 will only result in me rage quitting and quite possibly a broken controller so what to play? What to play? The safest option: Minecraft.

Yes, I know it's a kiddie game and the graphics look as though they were designed by an elementary school student, but I would argue that's part of the game's charm. I don't know what it is--and I'm sure there are lots reasons that someone with PhD behind their name could explain--but whatever the reasons, the simple, quiet little game makes me feel at peace. And that's a rarer feeling than happiness. I'll take tranquility over joy any day.


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