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Rat-nado?! A Plague Tale-Innocence

One word describes this quirky little sneak fest: dark. The other word that springs to mind is short, but in a way this is to the game's credit. Asobo was smart enough to realize that even the most patient of gamers isn't gonna want 50+ hours of 2 or 3 little kids sneaking past guards and teaming waves of possessed rats. 

I'm not usually a fan of stealth missions in any game, but this game is so beautiful and so twisted I had to play it to find out just where the f*@k were all these rabid rats coming from and how did sweet little Hugo factor into the mix?

In the end, it didn't quite live up to the hype of being an editor's choice on PlayStation. The missions are very repetitive and the last boss battle is just bizarre. Think Sharknado but with, um...yeah. That being said I did genuinely care about the characters and visually, whether it was portraying something beautiful or grotesque, the graphics are vivid and moving.

I also liked that as opposed to most games where you can unrealistically build your character into a bullet sponge, throughout this entire game, if you got caught you died so the sense of urgency never waned. Overall, it was a fun and delightfully horrific way to kill a couple days but if I never play another diseased rat-centered video game, I'm cool with that.


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