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Help Me Obi Wan!

OMG, OMG, OMG, Obi Wan shows up briefly in the holocron message Cere gives Cal. Made me a little misty for the good ol' days when there were only three STAR WARS movies...hell even the time when there were only SIX Star Wars movies. Side note: Ewan McGregor made one sexy-ass Obi Wan and I would have darthed Hayden Christensen's vader any day, darkside or no...but I digress.

This bit of nostalgia aside, the game is starting kind of slow in my opinion. It's got this UNCHARTED or TOMB RAIDER feel about the exploration: solving puzzles trying to get from point A to B. But if I wanted this kind of gameplay, I would simply play UNCHARTED or TOMB RAIDER. When I think STAR WARS I imagine lightsabers, combat with Stormtroopers, weird alien life forms (some cute, some not) and sassy droids (BTW, BD-1 is adorable). I don't think of a game that is, this far, very platforming heavy. And as my former blog entry and accompanying video show, platforming is not my friend. But I shall reserve judgement once I get to later levels to see if this is just a way to make the lower levels more interesting.

And speaking of more interesting, I think the forced exploration would be more satisfying and less tedious if there was more loot in the game, but thus far, the loot boxes have been pretty few and far between and nothing exciting when Cal does stumble across one. So far it's been mostly cosmetics.

I will say that the finishers are pretty damn cool. I feel like quite the bada$$ though I know I'm not one. But I've got plenty of game to go so we shall see. I really want to love STAR WARS: FALLEN ORDER. C'mon EA, don't let me down!


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